Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm Not Really Feeling the Birds

OK. I haven't posted anything in a while. Sorry and all that blah blah blah. Now that that is over let's get on with things.

Spring has sprung and since we live in sweet little Springfield that means snow storms followed by temps in the 80s, and I don't mean all decked out in neon clothes with its hair teased to the ends of the earth because temperatures don't have hair - though many do have an affinity for neon clothing.

Another important part of spring that I have noticed sprunging all over the place are the birds. This is the time of the year when birds go out of their way to impress other birds, and nothing says "Check me out I'm prime mating material!" like trying to get yourself hit by a car.

I see it all the time - Birds flying across the street at low levels or hanging out in the middle of the street waiting for a car to swerve out of its way. And all so he can go back to the others and say, "See that? Those big things that have killed generations upon generations of our kind are afraid of me! Have my children!"

Such bravado. Such arrogance. And yet all the silly female birds fall for it. The cycle continues and we are stuck with new generations of birds showing off.

I suppose there is the argument that if the bird survives he might just be the fittest, but what that bird doesn't realize is there is a difference between daring feats of aerial acrobatics aimed at me and the same things aimed at just about any other driver on the road.

So, I guess really what I wanted to say is: Spring has sprung, and the birds are dumb.